
WUI routes start and end in parks wherever possible. As such, and for purposes of safety, we recommend that you follow the “open” times of the Indy Parks department and contain your walking between the hours of dawn to dusk. While leaving after dawn is pretty easy, be sure to […]

When should we walk?

Health experts around the world agree… the “tipping point” of advantage to aerobic exercise (like walking!) is 30 minutes. Walking for longer than 30 minutes and/or walking at a faster pace (higher intensity) increase the benefit, but the minimum is 30 minutes of exercise. So why are Walk Urban Indy’s […]

m&m’s – minutes and miles

The Launch Event for Historic Watson Park Route 1a went off without a hitch on Saturday, June 15th. We did five tours during the six-hour event with walkers from all over the City, including members of the National Council on Public History, Nuvo Newsweekly, and the Marion County Prosecutor’s Office – […]

We had a TERRIFIC Launch Event!

Walk Urban Indy, Inc. is incorporated in the State of Indiana. We have our Tax ID number and we are working on the paperwork to become a 501(c)(3). It also helps to increase semen ordering cialis online volume greatly and enjoy intimate moments with your beautiful female. These capsules can […]

We’ve added a [Donate] button

Street Smart is a pedestrian safety awareness effort funded through a grant by the Nevada Department of Public Safety Office of Traffic Safety. The site has a lot of very useful information and safety tips directed specifically to pedestrians. Therefore, after the patent rights of the best pharmacy online viagra […]

Check out StreetSmartNV.com

WUI is new, it’s fresh, and it’s seeking volunteers and funding. Please use our Contact form (“About Us” How cool is that? Duration of few hours: the course is only of few hours – which mean that you should pay more for buy tadalafil mastercard when Kamagra is not illegal. […]

Getting WUI into your Neighborhood